Pocket Sized Thoughts – Psalm 119 – Part 13Psalm 119

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Psalm 119 – Part 14

Psalm 119:161-176 “I love Your testimonies exceedingly” (v.167)

Often, men in positions of authority will persecute and restrict, as far as possible, the declaration of the gospel. But the heart that knows God and respects His word, will stand. It is a joy and a wealth to him who finds the truth of it, like the man who finds the pearl and buried treasure (Matthew 13:44-46). The psalm reaches the climax with praise repeated seven times, the number of perfection and completion. This leads not only to peace, but great peace. It also brings joy and delight as all that he has longed for is finally coming into view and being realised. It is nearer now than when he first believed and began to walk in the way. Now, his desire is to declare boldly the gospel (v.171,172). It is a desire that arises from inner constraint as he knows personally that all His commands are true, right and perfect. Neither is he going all out in his own strength but is praying for the hand of God to be evidently helping him (v.173) for without God’s help we will end up running in vain. But, knowing that God is with him, he lives to boldly declare these great and glorious truths. No longer is he a lost sheep, but has something, that is, the Word of God, to live by, which he will never forget.

PRAYER :- “Lord, thank you that Your word gives me something to live by and to live for.”

Pocket Sized Thoughts – Psalm 119 – Part 13Psalm 119